
Cruising Along On Day 7!

The day started with the porter dropping off the same nasty tea and OJ. Instead of being on time, we were told the train was running late.

This was no surprise to me. The night was riddled with long stops of the train that didn't happen in the other direction. Also from time to time weird alarms went off. Mom slept through all this. I heard it, not just because I was awake and cold, but because my ears are so sensitive I can hear a rat fart down the block.

I have no idea what this is about, but it seemed appropriate.

The train pulled into Euston Station much later than intended. People poured out. Running, scampering, screaming, mayhem, anarchy, dogs and cats playing together... it was crazy.

Now picture this. Imagine me pushing 2 spinners, holding 3 bags and an extra coat tugging Mothra behind me up a ramp, into the lobby to check the platform and back down the ramp on the other side to catch our train. We found the Virgin Train to Llandudno Junction, jumped onboard and found our seats. Yay! We made it. Lots of other people climbed on as well. A bunch of trains were cancelled. People we grabbing onto whatever they could. The train takes off.
The Conductor comes around to punch tix. 

We're on the wrong train. Yes, I said it. WE WERE ON THE WRONG TRAIN!

Our train didn't leave for another hour or so. But, since we paid full price for a ticket, and the train was going to the same place, they didn't care.

So, we get to Llandudno Junction in Wales. 

It was my first glimpse of Wales and it was wonderful.

We walked around the tiny, TINY station. Mom thought she saw a big wild cat. I think she called it a Moor Cat. Looks like a regular cat to me, but I saw Nessie, so what can I say? You decide.

We had a good amount of time before our original train arrives and our next train leaves, so we hung out by the cafe. Mom ordered a BAP. That's fun to say BAP! 

A Bap is a Welsh sandwich. Mom ordered crispy bacon with mustard. She didn't like the bread. I liked it. It's kind of a mix between a rice bun and an English Muffin. Weird, but interesting.

I took a pic in the bathroom for no particular reason except that the toilet had a pull chain and that made me laugh.
Pull chain terlitt

The Welsh are a very friendly and helpful bunch. One of the railroad guys came and got us and told us could get on this earlier train that just goes to the end of the line and comes back if we'd like a little extra just for fun. We did. It was fun.

The first impression of Wales is 'idyllic'. That word always made me think of nasty stuff like the goo you cough up when you're sick, but no... what it means is when something is happy, and innocent and picturesque. What you thought of when you were little and were told fairy tales. That is Wales in a nutshell.

 I'll keep the photos to a minimum.

Blogger is freaking out again....

to be continued.