You're Going BACK???

YES!  Through a, more or less, typical trick of the universe, I was accepted into a class in the UK exactly 2 months after the uh... previous experience.
Thanks for that you rat bastard universe, now I get to spend more money and miss more work!

Don't worry, I shan't bother you with details of the class, I know how boring that can be to persons who aren't like minded.

I have been asked, however, to once again provide a trip report and food blog. I'm not even going to try to do the exercise thing this time. It's just too cold there!

Also, since this was a solo journey and absent Edie Baby, it will probably be a much abbreviated blog since the only one I can complain about is... me. Which could fill a tome come to think of it.
The Full Tome of complaints about Loren by Loren

But fear not!
I won't bother you with that either. So, let's begin.