Gloomy Sunday

We awoke to a gloomy Sunday morning. I was fine with this, as I quite enjoy a good gloomy day. 

Here is a view of said day from our hotel window.

I thought it was nice anyway. 

Momster awoke feeling better (thank you sweet baby Jesus), and decided that she would start her day with about 80 Digestive Biscuits and a Diet Coke. Ah, breakfast of champions. 
If memory serves, there was probably also some gummy something or others thrown in there for good measure.

I went after the leftover pizza. Cold pizza, yum!

I was about 3/4 a way through the slice when...
"Don't eat that! Throw it away!"

Me: "Why? It's fine."

"I don't want you to eat that. Throw it away!"

Me: "Why?"

"It was out all night!"

Me: "You keep it a steady 42 degrees in this room, it's fine."


sigh...  at least I got a few bites in.

What was on the agenda for Sunday?

"I want to go to Primark!"

How to describe Primark to those who have never seen it?

Think of adding together the clothes/shoes/bags sections of KMart/Walmart and Target, then putting them in a giant 4 story building. Yep, that about does it.

From what I understand, Primark is an institution in and of itself. It has a turnaround rate of 4 - 7 days of the latest fashions. Which means, a real store releases a new style, that particular item is then bought, pirated and mass produced for the Primark store brand within 4-7 days. Quite remarkable when you think about it. Don't, however, think about the child/slave labor involved, it might ruin the moment.

We piled into the nearest black cab and got a ride to Oxford Street. The store was packed! It was the Christmas season after all, so there really was no surprise there.

So, there we are looking at stuff, going all around the store then back to the elevator to go to a different floor to look at more stuff.

We didn't buy much. I think maybe a shirt and a work out top were all they got out of us.

We cabbed it back to the hotel after that delicious outing.

We were relaxing a sharing a call from home. It was at this time that the SO informed me he had an 'ugly sweater party' he had to attend for work. I'd seen a bunch of ugly sweaters at the Primark. I was ordered to go back and get one.

Momster was not in any mood to venture back out, and since it was only slightly drizzling, I decided to stretch my legs and walk. 

Off I go. Granted, I got a little lost. No, I didn't think about actually using the GPS that was on the phone in my hand. But hey, I got there eventually.

I fought my way through the throngs of people to the Christmas Sweater selection and after six or seven photos and international calls back and forth decided on an ugly sweater. No, I can't find a picture of it, but it was something like this:

Except with a Santa with a big belly and it laughs. :)

I was able to find my way back without too many issues. It might be because I took a cab that time.

It was time for dinner, and thankfully, we were able to get a reservation at the Friend At Hand pub. Also known as the Dog Head to the momster.

Nice interior.

This is what we had:

I thoroughly enjoyed mine, whatever it was, and of course Haggi bitched about hers. "As per" as she likes to say. All. The. Time.

It was still raining a bit when we walked back to the hotel, but not too badly. Just enough to clear the streets of vagrants and cool and clean the air.

We got back, bathed and crawled into bed.

This is the end of Sunday.