The Definition of Insanity... You're Doing WHAT Now????

You're Doing WHAT Now????

There are some things in this world that can't be explained... bumblebees being able to fly, the human intellect, and this:


Agreed: A rational person would close the book on this part of life and move on. A rational person would balk at the mere whisper of the notion. A rational person would laugh in the face of an idea so absurd. Alas, I am not a rational person. (The jury is still out on whether this is a good personality trait).

Not that there is an excuse, but if there were, I'd have to put the blame on the American post-Olympic-under-dog flicks that pop up every so often like The Mighty Ducks, The Bad News Bears Part 2 and the epic trilogy of the Karate Kid. 

But if I really had to point the finger, I'd have to say it was being brainwashed by ridiculous things like the Declaration of Independence, school kid encouragement
posters, and
pithy proverbs by persons like this Rat Bastard:
See what I did there?

I'm quite certain I stared at this poster for more than a few of my formative years:

Answers a lot of questions actually.

What ever the reason, I was browsing the evil interwebs and found an upcoming class that had whetted my appetite for knowledge. Why would I do such a thing? Why would I put myself through another round of torture? Why in God's name did I think I can afford this?

Sorry for the language.

Whatever the case, what has been done has been done. In for a penny, in for a bunch of pounds. Go for it! YOLO! And whatever other cliche will make me feel better. Besides, I have enough VA points for a free ticket! Woot!