The Best Laid Plans of Mice and... Me


Ah... Planning! Half the fun. There is even the theory that planning some type of trip or vacation as a happiness technique raises brain waves and releases endorphins. You aren't actually supposed to take the vacation though. What's up with that? Sounds like a bait and switch to me. 

The plan was to be simple: 
Leave Thursday evening, arrive in London on Friday morning. 

Enjoy a nice cream tea at a place like Fortnum's, spend some time with a friend or two. Spend a quiet evening preparing for class. 

Saturday, take the class, learn everything I need to know to make my life stupendously better and sky rocket my career. Spend a good night seeing a show in either the live or cinematic variety.
Depart London on Sunday morning. Arrive home on Sunday evening, get back to a regular schedule. No one would barely know I've come and gone. Just a quick blip on the radar. A little meander in the present course of daily life. No big deal, right?


That might happen in the perfect world. Hell, that might happen in any one else's world. But this is Loren World. And as we know, (or if you haven't subjected yourself to the previous posts will soon find out), Loren World does not lend itself to the laws of the natural Universe, but instead blends some type of pseudo-reality that would give Neil DeGrass Tyson wet dreams.

n Loren's World, there is some type of reverse Karma that rules the sun and stars. 

And in Loren's World,  Guardian Angels don't line up in a nice regimented line and protect me, no, they bat me around like a cat playing with a bug.